Friday, December 31, 2010

Drills for Drills

Lately the both of us have been doing our due diligence before our studio opens to keep ourselves abreast of trends and styles in the group class exercise community. We have been attending classes and visiting facilities to "get a lay of the land" so to speak. We feel it is beneficial to see how others structure their programs, cue their clients, and execute their overall training strategies in a group format so that we may get a better sense of how to keep our studio running optimally. We have realized many great qualities in these facilities when it comes to atmosphere, culture, attendance and instruction, however we have also found one unfortunate commonality amongst many establishments: workouts and programs are not being planned ahead of time. Randomized workouts are being improvised on the spot and fragmented exercise selection and improper progression may not be ultimately obvious by the untrained eye, however for us it is blatant. So it begs the question what is the goal?? Are you doing drills just for the sake of doing drills?

The group class format is obviously very different from one-on-one training in that results and individualized success is more unpredictable so you cannot control your variables as tightly as you might on an individual basis, but that doesn't mean proper programming should be done away with altogether. Our goal is to have a clear and concise game plan for each class that offers balanced exercise selection, proper warm up and cool down procedure, adequate implementation of intensity, modification options to accommodate all participants, and finally, sensible exercise parings. By having a plan for each class we are aiming to provide you with a variety of classes throughout the week so that you can schedule your strength workouts, endurance workouts, metabolic workouts and regenerative workouts throughout the week. As a result, you can train more thus ensuring results, but have less risk of over training.

In our opinion, the beauty of offering small group classes is that our clients are given the best opportunity for success. If they only have to pay about $20 per class instead of $75 per session, as is often the case with private training, they can now afford to see us 3-5x per week rather than 1-2x per week, thereby giving clients the proper tools and time to achieve their goals. Results require training hard, but also smart as well. Offering a greater diversity of "response" classes (meaning what the training effect will be ie. strength, endurance, power, etc.) will ultimately allow clients to place themselves in continuous adaptation and therefore, continued results. It is our belief that a committed client is an informed one. Understanding your weekly workout schedule, how it works to keep you on track, and the benefits you receive from each visit is powerful stuff! Everything needs to make sense in the overall scheme of things. So don't just do drills for the sake of doing drills, make every workout count so that you can accelerate the process of reaching your goals.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Updates on BT Fitness

The process for opening our studio is definitely underway and we have made some great strides in the last few weeks.  For those of you who still haven't heard where we will be located, we have secured our location in San Clemente, California in the Courtyards at Talega, which is located at the intersection between Avenida Pico and La Pata. The last step in our journey to opening is waiting for the City of San Clemente to grant us our Conditional Use Permit, which, fingers crossed, we are hoping to receive by the beginning of February. If everything goes right with the City, we will begin a minor amount of renovations to get our studio set up and hopefully ready for you to come train in February! 

During this waiting period, we have been visiting trade shows and business workshops, attending various networking meetings, and volunteering our time at community based events!  We have to say the process is exciting and demanding but we can't wait to open our doors and see our vision become a reality. After working out at a chain gym yesterday and seeing the same "box gym" layout consisting of machine-based fitness and station-to-station training, our confidence in our mission - to offer high quality training and instruction with an affordable results driven approach - was reinforced. We truly want to offer a progressive approach to working out and contribute to what we believe to be the future of the fitness industry.  We will continue to keep everyone posted as we get closer to our grand opening. We are passionate in the continued belief that our principles will transform your fitness...and transform your body.          

Monday, December 6, 2010

Play More. Eat Better.

This past weekend we were fortunate enough to be able to participate in the annual community event Play More. Eat Better sponsored by Mission Hospital to help encourage health and wellness among children to battle child obesity.  The event was absolutely awesome!  We got the opportunity to work hand in hand with Mission Hospital along with other volunteers to run the fitness station.  We were able to meet profession soccer players from team Chivas USA, talk with a volunteer who is currently working with Mark Verstegen at Athletes Performance in Carson, interact with various local families of all backgrounds and origins, and best of all we got to have some fun with kids by getting them pumped up about health and fitness.  BT Fitness brought some complimentary fitness manuals, a speed ladder, and some jump ropes for the kids to try out.  It was unbelievable to see how fast they were able to master the drills on the speed ladder.  We participated in a hula hoop contest, did some Zumba, and ran obstacle courses with the kids as well.  We were especially honored when Mission Hospital asked us back next year to participate not only in the San Clemente event but in the San Juan Capistrano event as well.  We were also asked to come out as guests to do some demos for the local fitness groups held within our community.  All in all the event was a huge success and all the kids that showed up got to have a great time and really learn about eating right, exercising, and staying active.  Below are some pics of these talented youngsters as well as our attempts at some of the festivities!